How do I create a recurring program listing?
NAMI 720 allows you to create recurring Program Listings (i.e., a Family Support Group that meets every Wednesday Evening.)
Note: Recurring program listings are only for Presentations & Support Groups
NAMI Classes require a Start Date and End Date
- Click the box indicating you’re creating a recurring event.
- For weekly events, indicate which day(s) of the week the event occurs, and the frequency.
a. The example below shows a recurring program that meets Wednesdays at 7PM, beginning 3/9/22
For months with a more complex recurring schedule, there is also an option for monthly recurring events.
3. For monthly events, indicate which day(s) of the week the event occurs, and the frequency, indicating a custom recurring schedule if needed.
a. The second example below shows a recurring program that meets on the 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of each month
4. Return to steps 5-10 of How do I create a program listing?