How do I create an event listing?
Once you are logged into, you can create a new event listing by clicking the blue button labeled “Create Program Listing” at the upper right corner of the screen. This will prompt a dropdown list where you can select to create a:
- NAMI Signature Program
- Non-Signature Program
- Hearts+Minds (if your affiliate is approved and currently offers this program)
Regardless if you have selected a signature or non-signature listing you will enter the following information for your event listing:
- Basic Info: What event are you scheduling?
- NAMI State Organization
- Local affiliate (if program is hosted by the state, or by program leaders from multiple affiliates, choose your virtual affiliate in this box)
- Education program (NAMI Ending the Silence, Family Support Group, Peer-to-Peer, etc.)
- Language
Program leaders (optional at point of program listing creation and can be added later, however in order to attach leaders to program report they must first be entered into the event listing)
- Date and Time: When are you offering the event?
- Date
- Start time
- End time
- If your event listing is recurring, check the box provided (for additional help with this feature click here for detailed instructions on how to create a recurring event listing)
- Time Zone
Schedule Details
- Location: Where will the event be held?
- If in person: you will have the option to provide additional venue details
If online: you can choose to provide a link
- Registration: What kind of registration will the event use?
- registration: will allow you to enter a max registrant number, will automatically create a wait list for additional registrants, and will allow you to enter a registration deadline
- Use your own system: will allow you to link your system URL as well as enter a registration deadline
If no registration will be used for your event you can select “None”
- Contact: Who can people contact for more details?
You have the option to include the name, title, email, and phone for your POC (you can use generic office email/numbers or program leaders’)
- Other Info: Additional information about this event.
Notes are optional, but a great space to put information about your listing. For example, if you have a virtual listing because program leaders from multiple affiliates are hosting your event, you can add the physical location and details of event in this section
- If you would like this program listing displayed on check the box “Display on” (Please note: this is only for NAMI Signature listings, non-signature listings will not currently display on even if this box is checked.)
- Review your info and click “Create Event” in the bottom right corner to publish your NAMI 720 event listing