How do I create a program listing?
1. Once logged into, click on “Education Programs” on the top navigation bar.
2. Click the blue button labeled “Create Program Listing” at the upper right corner of the screen:
3. Enter the basic information for your program listing
a. NAMI State Organization
b. Local affiliate (if program is hosted by the state, choose your state virtual affiliate in this box)
c. Education program (NAMI Ending the Silence, Family Support Group, Peer-to-Peer, etc.)
d. Language
e. Program leaders (optional at point of program listing creation)
4. Enter the date and time of your event (Is your event recurring? Click here for more detailed instructions.)
a. Date
b. Start time
c. End time
d. Time Zone
e. Schedule (optional)
b. Start time
c. End time
d. Time Zone
e. Schedule (optional)
5. Location (In person or online)
a. If in person, you will have the option to provide additional venue details
b. If online, you can choose to provide a link
b. If online, you can choose to provide a link
6. Registration (internal or external) What is an external registration system?
a. Internal registration will allow you to enter a max registrant number, and automatically create a wait list
b. Choosing external registration will allow you to link to said system (Zoom, Survey Monkey, etc.)
b. Choosing external registration will allow you to link to said system (Zoom, Survey Monkey, etc.)
7. Contact (optional but useful)
a. Name, title, email, and phone (all optional, can use generic office email/numbers or program leaders’)
8. Other Info
a. Any additional notes (also optional)
9. Decide if you would like this program listing displayed on and check the appropriate box
10. Review your info and click “Create” in the bottom right corner to publish your program listing: