How do I view program listings?
- On the NAMI 720 homepage, click Education Programs at the top of the page.
- Under NAMI Programs, select the program for the program listings you’d like to view: (Choose All to view all your program listings.)
- Note: If you do not see a program here, this means that your NAMI Affiliate or NSO does not have the program in its NAMI 360 account. (NAMI 720 programs pull from NAMI 360 programs.) Instructions for adding a program in NAMI 360 are here. Within 24 hours of adding the program in NAMI 360, the program will appear in the NAMI Program dropdown menu in NAMI 720 below.
4. In the Order by Date column, select Oldest to Newest or Newest to Oldest, depending on how you’d like the program listings to be sorted:
5. Your program listings will automatically appear below based upon the parameters you selected: