How do I view, edit, or remove board and staff members?

Related articles: How do I add board members and staff and How to have Board & Staff display properly on

View Board & Staff

1. In NAMI 360, click on the My Organization heading and select Board & Staff from the drop-down list (shown below).

2. A list of all current Board and Staff members for your organization will be displayed. You can click on any column heading to sort by that column.

Column headings:

  • Affiliation Name: system name of that particular affiliation record - the board or staff role the person has with your NAMI organization; click on that to see a more detailed view of the individual's board or staff role
  • Contact: name of individual board or staff member; clicking on their name will take you to their contact record
  • Role Picklist: board or staff position
  • End Date: end date for that particular board or staff position; can put a date in the future, or leave blank
  • Phone: the phone number on their board or staff role with your organization; does not need to be the same as the primary phone number on their contact record
  • E-mail: the email address on their board or staff role with your organization; does not need to be the same as the primary email address on their contact record
  • Organization: the name of the NAMI Affiliate or NAMI State Organization the person's board or staff role is with; State NAMI 360 users will see all board and staff for their state office and any affiliates in their state, while Affiliate NAMI 360 users will see only board and staff for their particular affiliate3.

3. Clicking on the Affiliation Name in the Board and Staff list will take you to a more detailed view of that individual's board or staff role with your organization.

Edit Board & Staff

1. From the NAMI 360 homepage, click on the My Organization heading and select Board & Staff from the drop-down list.

2. Option 1: Click the Affiliation Name for the person whose role you need to edit, then click the Edit button on the next screen; or, Option 2: Click the down arrow icon to the far right of the person's listing and select Edit

3. For this example, we have followed Option 2 which will open a new window for you to edit the board and staff role. Once you have completed making your changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the window.

Available fields to edit:

  • Role Picklist: list of board or staff positions, please choose the one that fits the best. Email if you would like to request other board or staff positions to be displayed in this drop-down menu.
  • Start Date: start date of the role
  • End Date: end date of the role; can enter a date in the future (for example, if there is a term limit) or leave blank
  • Status: Current or Former; if you choose 'Former', please also fill in the End Date field with a date in the past
  • Primary: check this box if this role should be the Primary Affiliation on the individual's contact record (for more information, see What information can I view on a contact record?)
  • Description: enter any further information, such as a specific job title if it was not available in the Role Picklist drop-down menu
  • E-mail: the email address on their board or staff role with your organization, can be left blank; does not need to be the same as the primary email address on their contact record
  • Phone: the phone number on their board or staff role with your organization, can be left blank; does not need to be the same as the primary phone number on their contact record
  • Email update: check this box if the person should receive an email when members join or renew on, or a NAMI 360 batch is processed for your NAMI organization. Email(s) will be sent to the email address in the E-mail field on their board and staff role. For more information, please see How can I receive notifications when a member joins or renews on
  • Show on web?: check this box to have the person's name, Role Picklist selection, E-mail, and Phone listed on your affiliate's listing on ("Find Your Local NAMI"); E-mail and/or Phone fields can be left blank, or filled in with your NAMI organization's main email or phone number

Remove Board & Staff

1. Using the instructions above for how to Edit Board & Staff, navigate to the screen to edit the person's board and staff role.

2. Uncheck the Email update and Show on Web? check-boxes if they are checked, then set the Status field to "Former" and enter an End Date in the past. Click the Save button.

3. Individual will be removed from your list of current Board & Staff.

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