What do "Withhold Local" and "Withhold State" mean?

The Withhold Local and Withhold State fields allow you to tell the system what portion of a member's dues you will be paying in your batch.

The National portion of a member's dues is always included when you process a membership in NAMI 360 Powered by Salesforce. The following are the National portions for each membership type:

  • $1 out of the $5 Open Door membership
  • $10 out of the $40 Regular membership
  • $20 out of the $60 Household membership

NAMI 360 is set up to give you the option of paying the affiliate and/or state portions of a member's dues as well.

What do I need to do?

If you are processing memberships at a NAMI Affiliate organization, in addition to the National portion, you also need to pay the state portion of the member's dues. To do this, leave the Withhold State box unchecked. You should, however, check the "Withhold Local" box - this tells the system that you want to withhold, or keep, that affiliate portion of the member's dues out of the overall batch total.

If you are processing memberships at a NAMI State Organization, in addition to the national portion, you also need to pay the affiliate portion of the member's dues. To do this, leave the Withhold Local box unchecked. You should, however, check the "Withhold State" box - this tells the system that you want to withhold, or keep, that state portion of the member's dues out of the overall batch total.

What happens to the affiliate or state dues I pay in a batch?

NAMI will send the Affiliate and State organizations their respective portions of dues that were paid through a batch in the month following when they were paid. For example, if you are an Affiliate organization and pay the State portion of a member's dues in a batch in March, NAMI would send the State that portion of dues in April. This is part of the monthly distribution process.

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