How do I create a account?

  1. Go to and click the Join link.

  2. Under the Create An Account heading, click the Create Account link.

  3. Fill in all fields and check the box that you have read and agree to NAMI's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. If you would like to receive emails from NAMI, check the box that you would like NAMI to contact you by email. Then click the Register for button.

    Alternatively, you can get to this page by going directly to

  4. If your account was created successfully, you'll see a Welcome banner; click the continue to login link to enter your new account information.

  5. If your email address was already in NAMI National's database, you will see a message asking you to check your email to complete your registration.

  6. Check your email for a message from with the subject "Confirm your registration" and click the link within to complete your account registration.

  7. Click the "Please click here to finish registering" link on the page that appears to complete the registration.

Help! I got an error message when I tried to create my account.

Error message 1: That email address already exists. If you've forgotten your password, click here.

What to do next: Click the link provided to reset your password, or go to and enter your email address to receive a link to start the reset process.

Error message 2: User could not be created due to internal error.

What to do next: Email with your name and email address and NAMI staff can correct the issue, then get you back on your way to creating your account!

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