How to Report Program Data: Method #2
NOTE: In order to report program data in NAMI 360, you must have either Admin or Basic + Education access in NAMI 360. If you do not have NAMI 360 access, please follow the separate set of instructions for reporting program data in your User Portal.
1. Log into your NAMI 360 account and click the downward arrow next to the PROGRAM MANAGEMENT tab (shown below). Then, select the Report Program Data option from the drop-down list.
2. On this page, you will be able to see all Program Data Reports that have been reported within your NAMI State or Affiliate organization since the launch of NAMI 360 powered by Salesforce in February 2019.
3. Proceed to create a new program data report by clicking New at the top right-hand corner of the table (shown below).
4. Select the program for which you would like to report data for, then click Next.
5. Now select the specific program listing you are reporting for. In the *Program Listing box, begin typing the name of the program listing, and it should appear in the drop-down list (shown below). Select the desired program listing from the drop-down list by clicking on it.
IMPORTANT: If you do not see the specific program listing you would like to report program data for, you can create a new program listing by clicking on +New Program Listing from the drop-down list, or follow the steps in the How do I add program listings help article.
Please note that giving your program listing a unique title (ie. NAMI Program name-Affiliate-Start Date) will allow it to be easier to find in the drop-down list. For more information on how to name program listings, please review step #4 in the How do I add program listings help article.
6. After selecting the specific program listing for which you are reporting program data for, fill out all required fields on the New Program Data Reporting form (denoted by red stars). Once completed, click on the green Save button (shown below).