How do I edit memberships in a batch?
If you need to make a change to the Membership Rate, Withhold Local/Withhold State settings, or Start Date for a membership listed in an open batch, you can do so by editing that information within the batch prior to submitting the payment.
1. From the NAMI 360 home page, click on Membership Batches found within the Quick Links section (shown below), or click on the tab next to the My Community tab, then select Membership Batches from the drop-down list (shown below).
2. Click the Go To Batch button on the right-hand side of the page to view the batch (shown below).
3. Click the Edit button next to the membership you want to change.
4. To change the Membership Rate, click the downward arrow on the Member Level drop-down menu and click on the appropriate rate, then click the Save button.
5. To change the Membership Start Date, click on the Calendar icon then choose the appropriate date, then click the Save button. Note for new memberships: leaving the Membership Start Date blank will default to today's date; you cannot use a date in the future.
6. To change the Withhold Local/Withhold State settings, check or uncheck the appropriate box(es), then click the Save button.