How can I see what membership(s) an individual has?

An individual can have multiple memberships with different NAMI Affiliates, even in other states. While you can only process new memberships or renew existing memberships for your affiliate in NAMI 360 (or for the affiliates in your state if you are a state-level NAMI 360 user), you can view all the memberships an individual has if you have access to their contact record.

1. Once on the individual's contact record, click the Membership tab heading.

2. The memberships that person has will be displayed.

On the Membership tab is an overview of all the memberships an individual has on their record, separated into Active Memberships and Lapsed and Dropped Memberships. This will include memberships the person has with other affiliates. It will show one membership per affiliate, with the oldest Start Date and the farthest out End Date.

The Membership Type displaying is for the most recent membership transaction with that affiliate.

Member Through will show either "Self", if the person has an Open Door or Regular membership, or if they are the primary member on a Household membership; or "Household - (primary member's name)" if the person is a member on someone else's Household membership. NOTE: the primary member's name is not currently being displayed, it is only showing "Household" under the Member Through column if the person is part of another individual's Household membership. The NAMI Salesforce team was notified of this issue and is looking into it.

For example, John Q. Public is the primary member on a Household membership with NAMI Testing Affiliate. He also has an expired membership with NAMI Bumblebee.

Nancy A. Public is part of John Q. Public's Household membership with NAMI Testing Affiliate, so the Member Through field on her record shows "Household - John Q. Public". NOTE: the primary member's name is not currently being displayed, it is only showing "Household" under the Member Through column if the person is part of another individual's Household membership. The NAMI Salesforce team was notified of this issue and is looking into it.

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